The Best Bassinet Strollers That Make Life With A Newborn A Whole Lot Easier (2024)

Thinking of buying a bassinet stroller? One of the biggest purchases you’ll make for both you and your baby is a great stroller. Since strollers are used so often and can get pretty pricy, you really want to focus on finding the right one. And you might want to consider a baby bassinet stroller. These are becoming more popular, and the reason one is pretty much a no-brainer: they’re versatile, functional, and one of the best options for a newborn. Baby bassinet strollers come with two seat options: one is a bassinet that clips into the stroller (making it look like an old-fashioned pram), which is ideal for newborns since it allows them to lie down. The other seat is your typical toddler stroller seat. Most will allow you to also clip a carseat in as a third seat option. (And when you’re done shopping for a bassinet stroller, you can look into baby bouncers, because those are a life-saver.)

The other advantage of having a bassinet stroller is that you can use the bassinet as a safe sleep space for Baby when you’re out and about. Some of these strollers have stand accessories for the bassinet so you can actually use it overnight, while for others, you simply have to unclip it from the frame and set it on the floor.

The only problem with finding your perfect baby bassinet stroller? There are so many options out there, and many of them offer similar features and high price tags. Finding the right one of your family is about really focusing on what’s the most important to you. Do you want a bassinet travel system, which includes a carseat that clips in as well? Are you really intent on finding a stroller with extensive storage space, or are you more interested in one that is lightweight and easy to carry?

Below are the best bassinet strollers on the market right now, and while they might seem similar, they each have their own special features that make them stand out.

Bassinet Strollers

Mima Xari Aluminum Chassis Stroller

Splurge alert: If aesthetics are one of your main stroller concerns, it’s hard to do better than the Mima Xari. The sleek contemporary design is unique and certainly stands out, while still being comfortable and safe for your LO. The collapsible carrycot bassinet sits inside the seat shell, and when you’re ready to use it, you simply pull it out and clip it into place. That patented design is incredibly convenient and means you don’t have to keep two different seats in your car—it’s just always there. While that’s really the standout feature here, the stroller seat is also comfortable, with an almost egg-like design, and has three reclining positions. Baskets on the bottom of the stroller are small, but they’re also lidded to keep objects safe, which is nice.


UPPAbaby 2020 Vista V2 + Mesa Travel System

A travel system like this Uppababy one that comes with a bassinet, stroller seat, and carseat has basically everything you need to be on-the-go with your little one. This set comes with the Uppababy Vista 2, the bassinet attachement, and the Mesa infant car seat. The Vista 2 is incredibly adaptable, with many different seat configurations and the option to make it a double or triple stroller. It offers a one-hand fold that stands on its own, adjustable handlebars, shock absorbing tires for a smooth ride, and a retractable canopy with optional vent. The bassinet is large and comfortable with an infant safe mattress, a zip-off liner that is easy to clean, and a sunshade. They also sell a bassinet stand separately to use it off the stroller or overnight. One of the best features of this stroller is the extra large basket underneath, which has a wide opening and holds a ton of stuff. It also comes with a rain shield and bug shield for both the bassinet and stroller seats.


Bassinet Travel System


Mima Xari Aluminum Chassis Stroller

Splurge alert: If aesthetics are one of your main stroller concerns, it’s hard to do better than the Mima Xari. The sleek contemporary design is unique and certainly stands out, while still being comfortable and safe for your LO. The collapsible carrycot bassinet sits inside the seat shell, and when you’re ready to use it, you simply pull it out and clip it into place. That patented design is incredibly convenient and means you don’t have to keep two different seats in your car—it’s just always there. While that’s really the standout feature here, the stroller seat is also comfortable, with an almost egg-like design, and has three reclining positions. Baskets on the bottom of the stroller are small, but they’re also lidded to keep objects safe, which is nice.


UPPAbaby 2020 Vista V2 + Mesa Travel System

A travel system like this Uppababy one that comes with a bassinet, stroller seat, and carseat has basically everything you need to be on-the-go with your little one. This set comes with the Uppababy Vista 2, the bassinet attachement, and the Mesa infant car seat. The Vista 2 is incredibly adaptable, with many different seat configurations and the option to make it a double or triple stroller. It offers a one-hand fold that stands on its own, adjustable handlebars, shock absorbing tires for a smooth ride, and a retractable canopy with optional vent. The bassinet is large and comfortable with an infant safe mattress, a zip-off liner that is easy to clean, and a sunshade. They also sell a bassinet stand separately to use it off the stroller or overnight. One of the best features of this stroller is the extra large basket underneath, which has a wide opening and holds a ton of stuff. It also comes with a rain shield and bug shield for both the bassinet and stroller seats.


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The Best Bassinet Strollers That Make Life With A Newborn A Whole Lot Easier (2024)


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