Asian Keto Recipes for Chinese Thanksgiving (2024)

Published: by HWC Magazine · 20 Comments

Looking for a healthier low carb menu plan to enjoy during the holidays? Grab our Asian Keto Recipes for Chinese Thanksgiving. It’s an all-inclusive Asian-American Thanksgiving meal plan; complete with appetizers, mains, sides and even dessert.

Just because you need to watch your carbohydrates or follow a diabetic diet, does not mean that you need to miss out on all the holiday food and festivities. Our Asian Fusion menu is delicious, ketogenic diet friendly, and perfect for any special gathering.

Asian Keto Recipes for Chinese Thanksgiving (1)
Jump to:
  • Do they celebrate Thanksgiving in China?
  • Holiday Asian-Fusion Menu
  • Healthier Alternatives
  • Appetizers
  • Mains
  • Sides
  • Desserts
  • LOW CARB Chinese Recipes

Do they celebrate Thanksgiving in China?

The world has become a very international place and giving “thanks” brings all of us together.

The Chinese word forThanksgiving Dayis 感恩节(Gǎn’ēn jié).

  • 感恩 (Gǎn’ēn) means to feel gratitude or to feel thankful.
  • 节 (jié) translates to holiday.
  • 快乐 (kuàilè) translates to happy.

So, if you put it all together, Happy Thanksgiving Day is 感恩节快乐! (gǎn’ēn jié kuàilè)!

Thanksgiving is not recognized as a national holiday in China or Hong Kong. However, many Chinese have lived in the US or Canada, visited or have friends living there. Many of our Chinese friends love to join in on the Thanksgiving food and festivities too, in their own special way.

Asian Keto Recipes for Chinese Thanksgiving (2)

Holiday Asian-Fusion Menu

A Chinese Thanksgiving is a delicious Asian fusion meal. It’s a melting pot of Asian and Western flavors combined into one. If they are living in the US or Canada, they may enjoy a whole baked turkey with Chinese spices and sauces. On the other hand, if they are without an oven, they may opt for a quick and easy stir fry or Spicy Sichuan Hot Pot instead.

In addition, many may enjoy Homemade Chinese Dumplings, French Canadian Meat Stuffing made with sticky rice, instead of bread, or even a Peking duck with pancakes as a part of the Thanksgiving meal.

Healthier Alternatives

How many of you were planning on wearing your FAT Trousers (pants) on Thanksgiving Day? You probably already know this but the average weight gain during the holidays is about 10 pounds. Crazy, right?

Wouldn’t it be better to eat in moderation and enjoy the foods you enjoy all whilst enjoying the holiday season? Many of the traditional Thanksgiving recipes are very HIGH in CARBOHYDRATES. Today, we want to share with you several Asian Keto Recipes that are a little lighter and healthier to enjoy. All the flavor but low in carbohydrates. If you want to learn more, be sure to checkout our post, "What is a Ketogenic Diet?"

If you are ready to take on the challenge, come and join us for a full menu of Asian Keto Recipes for a healthier Chinese Thanksgiving.


You are going to love these easy Chinese style appetizers. Bold in flavors but lightened up. As you know, Asian recipes have that blend of savory, spicy and sweet flavors that we all love. If a recipe requires sugar, just replace with your diabetic friendly sugar alternative of choice to lightly sweeten.

Chinese Eggplant with Garlic Sauce (Air Fryer Method)

Chinese Eggplant with Garlic Sauce is a copycat recipe from Hong Kong’s Crystal Jade restaurant made with delicious air fried Asian aubergines and topped with a simple garlic sauce.Ready in 20 minutes!

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Asian Keto Recipes for Chinese Thanksgiving (3)

Asian Tofu Vegetable Pancakes

Savory vegan, gluten-free Asian Tofu Vegetable Pancakes – a healthy dim sum recipe with 16g of protein per serving. Fun appetizer for Chinese New Year! (Makes approximately 5 to 6 pancakes)

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Asian Keto Recipes for Chinese Thanksgiving (4)

Air Fryer Ribs (Chinese Style Garlic Ribs)

Delicious finger-licking Chinese-Style Garlic Ribs (Suàn xiāng páigǔ - 蒜香排骨) are super tender pork, air fryer ribs with the perfect little chew.

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Asian Keto Recipes for Chinese Thanksgiving (5)


If you have an oven you can try our roasted keto Thanksgiving turkey or whole chicken recipes. However, you can also opt to make a delicious Hot Pot and use ingredients traditionally served at thanksgiving that are sliced super thin. Try slices of low carb turkey breast, shaved Brussel sprouts, mushrooms, etc. for this Asian fusion menu plan.

Roasted Turmeric Spiced Turkey Breast

Roasted Turmeric Spiced Turkey Breast is a succulent bone in turkey breast cooked with turmeric, cardamom, spices and a very fun twist for a holiday gathering.

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Asian Keto Recipes for Chinese Thanksgiving (6)

Savory Herb Roasted Whole Chicken

Savory Herb Roasted Whole Chicken is an easy classic family favorite dinner idea. Skip the store-bought rotisserie chicken and make your own crispy skinned, juicy bird at home.

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Asian Keto Recipes for Chinese Thanksgiving (7)

Spicy Sichuan Hot Pot [Mild Broth Recipe Included]

Spicy Sichuan Hot Pot is made with a delicious Chinese spicy broth that simmers away while your guests can cook their own thin slices of meats, vegetables, noodles and anything they desire. Fun interactive communal dinner idea!

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Asian Keto Recipes for Chinese Thanksgiving (8)


Here is your chance to take the usual fat laden green bean casserole topped with fried onions and serve something light and bright instead. Asian keto recipes are fast and easy and utilize low carbohydrate vegetables.

Garlicky Sesame Stir Fried Green Beans

Garlicky Sesame Stir Fried Green Beans are a quick and easy vegan side dish that is an explosion of flavor with just a handful of ingredients.

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Asian Keto Recipes for Chinese Thanksgiving (9)

Layered High Sesame Asian Salad

Layered High Sesame Asian Salad is piled high with healthy extra long thin vegetables and a rocking tamari ginger dressing.

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Asian Keto Recipes for Chinese Thanksgiving (10)

Skinny Spaghetti Squash Egg Roll Ups

Skinny Spaghetti Squash Egg Roll Ups are a low carb anytime snack made with roasted spaghetti squash, vegetables wrapped up in a thin egg pancake with a spicy dipping sauce.

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Asian Keto Recipes for Chinese Thanksgiving (11)

Wood Ear Mushroom Vegan Stir Fry

Wood Ear Mushroom Vegan Stir Fry is crunchy, spicy and easy to prepare Chinese recipe that is super healthy and delicious too.

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Asian Keto Recipes for Chinese Thanksgiving (12)


It is just not Thanksgiving without a sweet ending to the holiday meal. Try these lighter keto diet options. Substitute honey or sugar with a diabetic sweetener alternative of choice.

Chinese Pear Dessert Soup

Chinese Pear Dessert Soup is sweet, spiced and works fabulous to calm a cough.

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Asian Keto Recipes for Chinese Thanksgiving (13)

Spicy Chai Coconut Jelly

Silky smooth Spicy Chai Coconut Jelly is a light and creamy Asian pudding dessert.

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Asian Keto Recipes for Chinese Thanksgiving (14)

Tranquil Lemon Ginger Tea Recipe

Tranquil Lemon Ginger Tea is the perfect delicious detox tea to help balance your digestive system, boost your immunity and help relieve stress.

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Asian Keto Recipes for Chinese Thanksgiving (15)

We hope you enjoyed these 13 delicious ways to enjoy an Asian Thanksgiving. Who said this needs to be served at Thanksgiving? Try these recipes for a Keto Christmas or any time you are hosting a special occasion.

LOW CARB Chinese Recipes

  • Garlic Pork and Dry Fried Green Beans
  • Spicy Pork and Bamboo Stir Fry
  • Clean Eating Shrimp Stir Fry

Did You Like Our Recipe? Leave a ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ rating and/or a review in the comments section below. Your feedback is always appreciated! Follow us for more delicious recipes on Pinterest,Instagram, Twitter andFacebook! Don't forget to sign up for our email list for more free recipes.

Wishing all of you a safe holiday from our family at Healthy World Cuisine to yours!

More Thanksgiving

  • Rosemary Air Fryer Butternut Squash Steaks
  • Dairy Free Pumpkin Ice Cream Affogato
  • Air Fryer Baked Apples
  • Grandma's Apple Pie
Asian Keto Recipes for Chinese Thanksgiving (24)

About HWC Magazine

Join our Healthy World Cuisine medical editors (trained in both Western and Eastern Medicine) and learn how to EAT your way around the WORLD from the comfort of your own kitchen. Grab free health tips, recipe ideas, meal plans and gain a better understand how eating choices can affect your health. Be the healthier and happier YOU!

Reader Interactions


    Leave a Reply

  1. Karen (Back Road Journal) says

    I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving and that it was as good as all the photos that you shared.


  2. Dana says

    What a neat idea!


  3. Michelle says

    Such a great round up of ideas! That Layered Asian salad sounds amazing!


    • HWC Magazine says

      Thank you Michelle. Creating super thin slices of vegetables makes for one decked out salad. Texture is so important in a salad, right?


  4. Kelly | Foodtasia says

    Bobbi, these all look wonderful! I'm always on the lookout for low carb Asian dishes - they're a staple in our house. That air-fryer eggplant is calling my name!


    • HWC Magazine says

      Thanks so much Kelly. Chinese eggplant with garlic sauce is one of our favorite copycat dishes from the Crystal Jade Restaurant. hope you give it a try soon. Take Care


  5. mjskitchen says

    What an absolute feast! So many choices to make just about anyone happy. Love the non-traditional ideas. Change is good!


    • HWC Magazine says

      Thank you MJ. We are all about making it delicious and healthy and sometimes that means going untraditional. Hope you happy a super holiday week ahead.


  6. Balvinder says

    They all look wonderful. Its hard to choose which one to try but I am planning in my head to make those tofu veggie pancakes.


    • HWC Magazine says

      You are going to love those tofu veggie pancakes. The recipe inspiration came from a vegetarian temple in Diamond Hill in Hong Kong. A must stop visit if you ever come to HK. Stay well and take care


  7. Heidi | The Frugal Girls says

    These recipes you've shared really add some fresh, fun new flavors to Thanksgiving. My favorites were your amazing garlic ribs, that gorgeous turkey breast and your gorgeous Asian salad!


    • HWC Magazine says

      Thank you Heidi. Sometimes the holiday rules, if there are any, are meant to be broken. Right? Wishing you a super day ahead.


  8. Liz says

    Yum!! Can I come to Thanksgiving dinner at your house? I love to shake up my holiday menu and these are some yummy and unique holiday recipes!


    • HWC Magazine says

      Thank you Liz. There is always a spot at the dinner table for you. Take Care


  9. Hannah says

    What a wonderful lineup! This sounds so much more flavorful and healthy than typical Thanksgiving fare.


    • HWC Magazine says

      Thank you Hannah. As you know we will certainly have leftovers for days. That is why we love that these recipes are a bit lighter and healthier than the usual Thanksgiving dinner


  10. John / Kitchen Riffs says

    So many great recipes! It's really easy to overdo the carbs for Thanksgiving, isn't it? Glad to see all these great healthy menu ideas. Thanks!


    • HWC Magazine says

      Thanks John. It certainly is so easy to do with traditional Turkey Day fare... "One moment on the lips- forever on the hips..." LOL We just feel so much better eating a little lighter.


  11. Ron says

    Hi Bobbi, what a great idea. We're always looking for alternate menus for Thanksgiving. Even if it's not a holiday here, we always celebrate the holiday and have a feast the Saturday after for our Swedish friends and family.
    Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours as well...


    • HWC Magazine says

      Thanks so much Ron and so happy to see your comment. Been thinking about you and hoping you are doing well. It is fun and delicious celebrating all the holidays, even it is not one celebrated in your home country, right? Stay well and take care


Asian Keto Recipes for Chinese Thanksgiving (2024)


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