Accessories | Samsung Galaxy Z Flip5 | Samsung Australia (2024)

Galaxy Z Flip5


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  • *Accessories sold separately. Model and colour availability may vary by country, region or carrier.

  • *Image simulated for illustrative purposes. Actual UX/UI may differ.

  • *Flipsuit Case actual colours, collaboration card options and corresponding content displayed on screen may differ. One piece of content is displayed per card.

Accessories | Samsung Galaxy Z Flip5 | Samsung Australia (1) Accessories | Samsung Galaxy Z Flip5 | Samsung Australia (2)
  • *Accessories sold separately. Model and colour availability may vary by country, region or carrier.

  • *Image simulated for illustrative purposes. Actual UX/UI may differ.

  • *Flipsuit Case actual colours, collaboration card options and corresponding content displayed on screen may differ. One piece of content is displayed per card.

Perfect fits for your Flip

Meet your next favorite case

*Image simulated for illustrative purposes. The actual colour, design option and content displayed on the brand collaboration Flipsuit Case may differ.

Accessories | Samsung Galaxy Z Flip5 | Samsung Australia (3)

*Image simulated for illustrative purposes. The actual colour, design option and content displayed on the brand collaboration Flipsuit Case may differ.

  • Introducing
    Galaxy Z Flip5 Cases

  • How to install and remove
    Gadget Case

Chargers to power your day

Accessories | Samsung Galaxy Z Flip5 | Samsung Australia (17)

  • Battery Pack

    Refuel in a flash with Super Fast Charging. A safe and reliable companion that's built compact for portability.4


    Accessories | Samsung Galaxy Z Flip5 | Samsung Australia (18)


  • Super Fast Wireless Charger Duo

    Charge two devices at once with a Watch magnet on one side and a Fast Wireless Charging pad on the other.7


Time for a smarter wardrobe

Accessories | Samsung Galaxy Z Flip5 | Samsung Australia (20)

  • Galaxy Watch6

    Start your everyday wellness journey with Galaxy Watch6.


    Accessories | Samsung Galaxy Z Flip5 | Samsung Australia (21)

    Accessories | Samsung Galaxy Z Flip5 | Samsung Australia (22)

    Accessories | Samsung Galaxy Z Flip5 | Samsung Australia (23)

    Accessories | Samsung Galaxy Z Flip5 | Samsung Australia (24)


  • Galaxy Watch6 Classic

    Our iconic rotating bezel has become 15% slimmer now.8


    Accessories | Samsung Galaxy Z Flip5 | Samsung Australia (25)

    Accessories | Samsung Galaxy Z Flip5 | Samsung Australia (26)

    Accessories | Samsung Galaxy Z Flip5 | Samsung Australia (27)

    Accessories | Samsung Galaxy Z Flip5 | Samsung Australia (28)


Tune in to your world

Accessories | Samsung Galaxy Z Flip5 | Samsung Australia (29)

  • Galaxy Buds2 Pro

    Pump up playlists with ANC and crystal clear sound. Listen in luxury with this comfortable fit.


    Accessories | Samsung Galaxy Z Flip5 | Samsung Australia (30)

    Accessories | Samsung Galaxy Z Flip5 | Samsung Australia (31)

    Accessories | Samsung Galaxy Z Flip5 | Samsung Australia (32)

    Bora Purple

  • Galaxy Buds2

    From workouts to gaming and the phone calls in between, intelligent ANC keeps you immersed in the moment.


    Accessories | Samsung Galaxy Z Flip5 | Samsung Australia (33)

    Accessories | Samsung Galaxy Z Flip5 | Samsung Australia (34)

    Accessories | Samsung Galaxy Z Flip5 | Samsung Australia (35)

    Accessories | Samsung Galaxy Z Flip5 | Samsung Australia (36)


Smartphone Accessories

Complete the foldable experience with stylish and functional add ons.

*Accessories sold separately. Model and colour availability may vary by country, region or carrier.


Accessories | Samsung Galaxy Z Flip5 | Samsung Australia (37)


Accessories | Samsung Galaxy Z Flip5 | Samsung Australia (38)

Check out smart ways to get your Galaxy ZFlip5


Accessories | Samsung Galaxy Z Flip5 | Samsung Australia (39)


Life opens up with Galaxy


Accessories | Samsung Galaxy Z Flip5 | Samsung Australia (43)

*All specifications and descriptions provided herein may be different from the actual specifications and descriptions for the product. Samsung reserves the right to make changes to this document and the product described herein, at anytime, without obligation on Samsung to provide notification of such change. All functionality, features, specifications, GUI and other product information provided in this document including, but not limited to, the benefits, design, pricing, components, performance, availability, and capabilities of the product are subject to change without notice or obligation. The contents within the screen are simulated images and are for demonstration purposes only.

*Brand collaboration accessories include one brand collaboration card in box.

*Flipsuit Case collaboration card content should be downloaded separately before use. Network connection required for download.

  1. Flap Eco-Leather Case contains UL-certified recycled materials. Plastic of Flap Eco-Leather Case (EF-VF731) contains a minimum of 14% post-consumer recycled content. Measurements based on weight of plastic parts.
  2. Flap Eco-Leather Case is made from synthetic materials with a leather effect, rather than real leather. The Eco claim is limited to the recycled and bio-based content in the case.
  3. Includes two sheets of protective film.
  4. Super Fast Charging (SFC) requires a USB Power Delivery 3.0 compatible device that supports Direct Charging. Devices that do not support USB Power Delivery 3.0 standard or Direct Charging will charge at a slower rate than SFC speed.
  5. 25W Super Fast Charging is only available when connected to a single device.
  6. Cable(s) may be sold separately depending on country or region.
  7. Wireless charger requires power connection. Charging speeds may vary by device. Actual charging speed may vary depending on usage, charging conditions and other factors.
  8. Compared to previous Galaxy Watch series.

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Accessories | Samsung Galaxy Z Flip5 | Samsung Australia (2024)


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Author: Kieth Sipes

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Author information

Name: Kieth Sipes

Birthday: 2001-04-14

Address: Suite 492 62479 Champlin Loop, South Catrice, MS 57271

Phone: +9663362133320

Job: District Sales Analyst

Hobby: Digital arts, Dance, Ghost hunting, Worldbuilding, Kayaking, Table tennis, 3D printing

Introduction: My name is Kieth Sipes, I am a zany, rich, courageous, powerful, faithful, jolly, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.